They Trust Us
With Spare-it, our clients have access to their true waste data, they can report it automatically, operate more efficiently, and engage employees to reduce waste. Let us tell you how.
“Sustainable Building Operations” Award BE+ 10-23

Our Impact
Social Impact
> 15,000 people
Surface Monitored
3,255,0000 Sq ft
Enviromental Impact
-20% YoT Waste to Landfill
Economic Impact
2 to 1 year ROI

Our Mission
Spare-it is a catalyst for sustainability. Grounded in the philosophy that awareness and behavior change can not happen without data intelligence.
We help businesses, office owners and universities access to live intelligence for all kinds of workspace waste (general waste, recycling, food waste, paper , plastics, electronics, ..) and encourage employees and students to reduce !
Use Case

Center For Computer and Data Science
Boston MA
Our Team

Gabriel Payan
Assistant Operations Manager US

David Daigneault
Global Marketing Manager

Westly Joseph
Sustainability & Customer Success Manager US

What Are We Wasting For?
Join our Smart Waste Reduction Challenges !
Learn More about the Economical, Environmental and Social benefits of joining our programs.